Both low in calories, high in fiber and protein, these slimming foods increase your metabolism and melt fat!
Among the best foods to lose weight, make, and melt fat: green tea
Green tea is said to be one of the best fat-burning foods. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, green tea helps burn fat if you also walk. I gave subjects either a drink containing catechins, the powerful antioxidants in green tea, or a drink not containing them. They were also doing 180 minutes of exercise per week, mostly walking. After 12 weeks, the subjects of the first group had lost 7.4% more abdominal fat than those of the second group. Consider avoiding these bad habits that promote belly fat.
“Catechins speed up the metabolism and the rate at which the body burns fat,” says study author Kevin C. Maki. For similar results, drink four to six cups of non-decaffeinated green tea per day and exercise at least 180 minutes per week. A suitable partner for your diet, which should now find its place in your kitchen.
Oats and barley to eliminate abdominal fat
By having barley as a side dish instead of white rice, you may help shed your belly fat. At least, that's the conclusion of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. I instructed the dieters to either avoid whole grains or to take their cereal servings only as whole grains (whole wheat bread, oats, barley, brown rice) for 12 weeks. Although subjects in both groups lost the same amount of pounds, those who ate whole grains were successful in shedding belly fat. Make sure you take at least three servings of whole grains per day.
Check out the next page for more fat-melting foods!
Lean milk, low-fat yogurt, and Swiss cheese
In a review of over 90 studies published in Nutrition Reviews, I found that the high intake of calcium has a real impact on the health of the body. “If you don't get enough calcium from your diet, it will be harder to lose weight no matter what you do,” says Dr. Robert P. Heaney, professor at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.
When your calcium levels are low, the body secretes hormones that make better use of the calcium in food. The problem is, the body suddenly signals fat cells to store fat. Dairy products, including milk, cheese (especially Swiss cheese), and yogurt, are the preferred sources of calcium. Take three servings per day; You might not lose 45 pounds, but if you watch your calorie intake, you could lose almost 7 pounds, according to Robert P. Heaney.
So, don't hesitate! Here are some more substantial reasons to eat dairy products.
Apple, pear, and sweet pepper
These three foods have in common that they are rich in flavonoids, chemicals found naturally in foods of plant origin that may affect fat. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who consumed the most flavonoids saw their body mass index increase significantly less over 14 years than those who consumed less.
These flavonoids have been shown in animal studies to increase energy expenditure (hence calories) and glucose uptake by muscles, and allow more fat to be burned, says Laura Hughes, MSc, principal investigator of the study and nutritional epidemiologist at Maastricht University (Netherlands). Onions, leeks, and green and white tea also contain flavonoids.
It will surprise you to learn how you can have a flatter stomach without straining or exercising!
Sardines to melt fat
Are you loath to sardines?
Try to change your mind about this tasty little fish, the consumption of which will have multiple benefits for your health and your figure.
The New York Times even rated them as “the best foods you don't eat”!
First, 2 sardines provide only 50 calories (191 if you eat them canned and in oil, which is still extremely interesting).
But sardines are above all rich in nutrients that are excellent for health, such as vitamin B12.
They are also one of the most concentrated sources of the famous omega-3 fatty acids: one serving of sardines (about 100g) can cover over 50% of daily needs.
Also, know that omega-3 helps lower the level of triglycerides and bad cholesterol.
In addition, a French study has shown that men who replace part of their lipid intake with fish oils found a significantly healthier weight.
And above all, do not remove the edges! Small and flexible, I can eat them with no problem and make sardines one of the most calcium-rich foods available.
They are also an excellent source of vitamin D, essential for bone health, and found in so few foods that it is most often found in fortified dairy products.
Sardines are also an excellent source of phosphorus, a mineral that helps strengthen the bone matrix.
For all these reasons, these succulent and unjustly unloved little fish are a great alternative to dairy products and other sources of protein, with fewer calories and bad fat. This is also why sardines are one of the fish you should eat (unlike them!).
Include nuts and almonds in your diet to melt fat
Besides having a beneficial effect on mood, nuts may help shed belly fat. In a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine on 1200 adults, the subjects of the first group followed the Mediterranean diet besides consuming 30 g of nuts per day, those of the second followed the same diet, but took 1 liter of olive oil per week; the third group served as a control group.
Nuts and other nuts have positive effects, as long as you do not consume too much. I believe these effects to be because of their fiber, protein, and healthy fats, which are thought to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and therefore help burn fat.
Salmon to melt fat
I know salmon not only to be good for your mood but also to help promote weight loss. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, “although we don't know the exact mechanisms, we have observed that omega-3s reduce body fat,” says Irene Munro, a researcher at Newcastle University ( Australia). In other studies, omega-3s have been found to satisfy the appetite and continue to satiate two hours after eating fish that are rich in it. Eat salmon or other fatty fish, such as mackerel, herring, or canned tuna, at least twice a week.
Flax seeds for weight loss and fat loss
These shiny, nutty-flavored little seeds contain lignins, compounds that a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found has been associated with lower body fat and body mass index in postmenopausal women. "Previous studies in mice have shown that lignins reduce body fat," says Anne-Sophie Morisset, dietitian, MSc, and lead author of the study at Laval University in Quebec City. So it did not surprise her to find that consuming lignins resulted in weight loss. We revealed to you the secrets to know to lose weight and melt the extra pounds!
She recommends consuming a tablespoon of ground flax seeds every day, adding them to cereals, yogurts, or salads. Sesame seeds, multigrain bread, hummus, garlic, dried apricot, soybean, sunflower seeds, and pistachio are other excellent sources of lignins.
Eggs to lose weight and maintain muscle mass
Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which besides improving mood, maintain muscle mass, and provide a feeling of fullness. To lose weight and melt fat, you need to reduce your calorie intake, but not at the expense of protein. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, subjects who ate a diet moderately high in protein (40% protein and 30% carbohydrate) lost 38% body fat after one year. More than those on a higher carbohydrate diet (55% carbohydrate and 15% protein).
Protein promotes weight loss first, because the body uses more energy, and therefore calories, to break down protein than other groups of nutrients. When you lose weight, protein helps maintain muscle mass; yet muscle burns more calories than fat. Finally, they are more satiating than carbohydrates, says Donald K. Laxman, chief researcher.
Our advice: take protein with every meal, especially at lunch when it is lacking. The egg is a cheap solution. You can also have a hard-boiled egg as a snack, which is better than chips or a chocolate bar. In addition, it is one of the few natural sources of vitamin D, a nutrient that has been shown to help maintain a healthy weight, according to preliminary studies.
Bananas to melt fat
Inimitable flavor and creamy texture, bananas are high in carbohydrates and provide slightly more calories than other fruits (around 105 for a medium-sized banana). These calories, however, are almost completely devoid of fat.
Bananas are an ideal food for people looking to maintain a healthy weight through a healthy diet while providing the body with sufficient energy for exercise and daily activities.
The potassium they contain (more effective at controlling high blood pressure than a low-salt diet, the researchers found) may be enough to meet daily needs.
These famous and delicious yellow fruits are bursting with magnesium, a mineral that also helps regulate blood pressure.
Plus, unlike other fruits which are a low source of vitamin B6, bananas provide over 30% of the recommended daily allowance in just one serving. Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in the functioning of the immune system and recent studies have shown that it also plays a protective role against cardiovascular disease.
Finally, thanks to its fiber and antioxidant content, bananas also help prevent the risk of diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers.
It is also an excellent source of vitamin C.
Besides being extraordinarily nutritious, banana is part of the category of foods that make you lose weight because it is one of the easiest to digest: we divide its fibers into cellulose substances (accelerating intestinal transit) and materials. Practices (which intervene in regulating transit), which explain the absence of irritating effects for the intestines.
A multitude of good reasons to peel. Now make sure you know how to extend the shelf life of your bananas.
Vinegar to better eliminate fat
I believe vinegar helps melt and eliminate fat, according to the results of a study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. The obese who took a drink containing 15 to 30 ml of vinegar lost more body fat after 12 weeks than the subjects in the control group. Researchers believe that vinegar activates genes that produce enzymes that help the body break down fat. If you are trying it, take 15 ml of vinegar each day, diluting it in milk or soda to reduce the acidity.