Autumn Detox for Easier Breathing: All Our Tips

Nowadays, it's pretty clear that a lot of people are dealing with respiratory issues. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman—these health problems can affect anyone. 

Autumn Detox for Easier Breathing: All Our Tips
Autumn Detox for Easier Breathing: All Our Tips

And when faced with them, many folks just don't know what to do to get some relief. The respiratory system is made up of several organs like the nasal cavities, pulmonary alveoli, bronchioles, bronchi, and the trachea. 

Together, these make up the upper and lower airways. It's worth mentioning that all these organs are pretty fragile, even though they have natural defenses. 

This fragility is partly due to infections. Generally speaking, respiratory conditions can be either acute or chronic (which come and go periodically). Before the long winter season hits, it's crucial to do a little autumn detox to make breathing easier or just to stay in good shape.

Why Do an Autumn Detox?

It's important to take care of our bodies to stay in good health. Plus, we all know there are plenty of factors that can mess with our well-being—like overeating, being too sedentary, stress, additives and chemicals, pollution... All these can cause real problems for our internal organs. 

Autumn is the perfect time to cleanse your body! With the cold of winter piling up and the stress of getting back into the swing of things, your body becomes more vulnerable. So, why not take advantage of the changing season to lighten up and rid yourself of toxins?

A natural "detox" cure is highly recommended. Since respiratory conditions are among the most common, there are plenty of natural remedies, like using plant extracts that make breathing easier. 

These days, you can find a ton of natural health products, like those from COPMED Laboratories. So, why not enjoy the beautiful autumn days and do an effective detox?

The Lungs: Vital Emunctory Organs

Your lungs can be affected by various conditions—like allergies, asthma, bronchitis... It's important to know that our lungs play a central "emunctory" role. In other words, the lungs help eliminate not just the gaseous waste from cells (carbon dioxide), but also unwanted substances like solvents, acetone, volatile fatty acids, alcohol, and even solid waste. In short, the lungs act as an extra exit route to relieve the workload of other emunctory organs like the skin, intestines, and liver. 

There are several ways to improve your daily breathing, like exercising (hiking, walking...), having indoor plants, or taking plant-based supplements.

Just as a reminder, the lungs supply oxygen to the blood, which then fuels our organs. So, it's essential to detoxify our emunctory organs to keep them working properly. This means getting rid of the toxins polluting our bodies and preventing them from functioning as they should. 

Natural products are the most recommended, like plant-based supplements. If you're looking for a remedy to breathe easier and boost your energy, check out some natural solutions below that might suit you.

Natural Solutions to Improve Breathing

There are plenty of natural ways to improve your breathing, like gentle therapies and many others. It's up to you to choose the solution that works best for you. Here are a few options that might help you breathe better and stay healthy.

Plant-Based Supplements: Plants are known for their benefits to the respiratory system. Nowadays, you can find plant extract-based supplements that are both effective and safe. 

These concentrated plant extracts have beneficial effects on your respiratory system. If you're unsure, don't hesitate to ask for advice from experts. 

For example, extracts of fennel, elderberry, and eucalyptus are incredible natural expectorants. You can even order them online from a natural products specialist.

Ginger: This natural plant is packed with countless health benefits. It's effective in treating a wide range of conditions. Ginger, in particular, has been shown to improve breathing according to several scientifically proven studies. 

Many asthma patients have been able to breathe better thanks to this plant. It acts as a natural bronchodilator. Plus, ginger is super easy to use—you can simply add it to your dishes to boost your health and breathing. What more could you ask for?