No secrets, to have beautiful skin and be in shape, you take care of your plate. Fruits and vegetables galore for vitamins and antioxidants, starches for stable energy, oily fish for good fat, and some oleaginous fruits full of minerals ...
To function, our cells use glucose from carbohydrates. A lack of carbohydrates and it is hypoglycemia that lurks: fatigue, head spinning, desire for sugar ... To avoid it: "Carbohydrates must be favored over starches which will provide energy over time, unlike sweet products, but also fibers, minerals, and vitamins from group B necessary for energy production,” explains Estelle Payen.
The right choice: the rawest and least processed starchy foods. Yes to bread, pasta and rice, whole or semi-complete. Ditto for quinoa, buckwheat, barley, lentils, chickpeas, split peas ... There is a choice, especially in organic stores.
The right dose: energetic, starches make you fat if you consume too much (like all foods). "You should eat small amounts at each meal according to your appetite," advises the dietitian. The risk if you skip them: being hungry and tired between meals.
Fatty fish to fill up with Omega-3
Known for their benefits on the cardiovascular system, omega-3s are also essential for proper hydration and proper functioning of the skin. Our bodies cannot make them and they have to be taken from certain oils, oleaginous fruits, and oily fish. .
These have the advantage of containing DHA and EPA, other omega-3 families, but also selenium, an antioxidant that protects against aging. Another advantage: the contribution of amino acids and vitamins of group B, essential for the renewal and growth of hair.
The right choice: small fish (sardines, herring, anchovies), more often than large ones (tuna, salmon) which contain more heavy metals.
The right dose: “Once or twice a week, advises Nadine Pomarède. For vegetarians, there are omega-3s in walnut and rapeseed oil, flaxseeds, lamb's lettuce ... "
Minerals are nutrients that our bodies need in small amounts, but which are involved at all levels. For the form, iron, anti-fatigue, and magnesium, muscle relaxant are fundamental. For the skin, zinc, which regulates sebum secretion, and selenium, an antioxidant, are essential. Oleaginous fruits are fatty, of course, but very concentrated in minerals: it takes little to enjoy their benefits.
The right choice: walnut, hazelnut, almond, pistachio ... They are all interesting. Brazil nuts are rich in magnesium, cashew nuts in zinc, and nuts are richer in omega-3s.
The right dose: about 20 g per day, to slip into muesli, a salad, a cottage cheese ...
It is the best-known vitamin, the most sought after in winter, and for good reason. It stimulates the immune system, thus protecting against colds and other seasonal infections. Antioxidant, it protects the skin from the attacks of cold and dry wind. It also takes part in the formation of collagen, a fundamental protein of the dermis. And it promotes the absorption of iron, an anti-fatigue mineral. In order not to run out of it, simply use the large citrus family, which occupies a good part of the fruit department in winter.
The right choice: lemon, grapefruit, orange, clementine, not to mention the newcomers: kumquat, kaffir lime ... They are all very interesting. But beware, vitamin C is fragile: therefore, we do not forget them too long at the bottom of the fridge; we consume them quickly after opening them and we avoid heating them.
The right dose: a little every day: lemon juice in the vinaigrette, an orange for breakfast, a grapefruit as a starter ...
Sun, cigarettes, stress, pollution are our skin's worst enemies. They promote the formation of free radicals which alter cells and speed up aging. .
To counter these bad molecules, our body needs antioxidants and, good news, colorful plants are full of them. "Carotenoids are antioxidant orange pigments found in carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes ... but also in green vegetables because chlorophyll can mask them, ", explains Dr. Pomarède.
The right choice: summer vegetables don't have a monopoly on vitamins and antioxidants. Sweet potatoes and carrots are the highest in beta-carotene, followed closely by pumpkin and lamb's lettuce. Frozen spinach and canned tomato (cooked, its lycopene is better absorbed) complete the basket well.
The right dose: “Five or even seven fruits and vegetables a day,” advises the dermatologist. Either at least two vegetables per meal: a raw starter and a cooked vegetable in the dish, or a cooked vegetable and a salad ...